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Welcome Dear Soul


During a Soul Session Dianne connects to your Soul, Your Higher Self and your team of light. Heart to Heart


Dianne is a Channel, Energy Healer, Lightworker, Shaman and Light Bridge.

She uses her gifts to bring through what is needed for you at this specific moment in time. Therefore a session is uniquely customized by the divine for you.


For her to be the clearest channel she can be, it is best for her to go into a session blanco. So no information needed. 


​​As said, it is Heart to Heart connection guided from above. All is seen from a higher perspective and in the Light of Source. You will be safely held in this Light and Love as well as by the Guides (Angels, Masters, Passed Loved Ones, Star Friends etc) â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Dianne will be holding the Light as the Lightworld is working through her, therfore you will be getting to the heart of the matter fast. Your issues will be adressed from a different fequency. A different frequuency from that wich it caused them , that is also why it is irrelevant for her to know about the "story", because you will be working beyond it. 


You will be working on the level of the light body. The Light Body informs all the other bodies. (spiritual, energetic, mental and physical) The Session will work through in any area of life where you need support. 


All is done in and from love. All the Guides and Messages are very loving, but that does not mean that they are not incredibly powerful, because they are!  

As a matter of fact, it is from being in that state of love that the fastest tranformation can occur.


You will receive these beautiful energies, light codes and healing. 



Soul Session: €99

Oh, the Dear Children...

Dianne has so much compassion and love for the children.


Dianne is able to directly exeprience what your child experiences. She can communicate clearly what is happening on all levels (Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). How it is experiencing the world, its invironment, the people and situations around them. 


She can also clearly communicate what the child needs from you and its suuroundings to feel safe, happy and bright again.


There are so many beautiful, gifted, super smart, sensitive, creative children that are struggeling. Dianne wants nothing more than to see them shine. 


It is important to know that there is nothing wrong with them, but that they can sense all that is wrong with the world.  

Often they experience the world differently then those of the generations before them, therefore it can be hard to undderstand them and give them what they need, eventhough you will do anything for them. 


Dianne can provide you with insight into their world.

Her gifts will help both you and your child. 


In the section above about the Soul Session in general you can read more about this. 


The child does not have to be present during the session (all sessions are online ) a photo is enough and often not even that is needed. 


Let's let them shine again so you can fully enjoy life together!




Soul Session for children: €75

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